Monday, August 4, 2008

Mini Remodel Saga #1

DSC03649, originally uploaded by robisonpdx.

The Japanese Maple: The front stairs will come down right into our very old and very large Japanese Lace Leaf Maple tree. We call him Snuffleupagus because he closely resembles Big Bird's mysterious friend from Sesame Street.

Anyway . . . we discussed this early on, "hey that tree is going to be in the way, you should figure out what you want to do with it", but we didn't really rush out to make a decision. Then one day Bo said "hey did you figure out what you are doing with the tree? It's going to be in the way .. . . Like . . .. tomorrow".

In the past people have mentioned that these trees, this size (6+ feet tall, and around 10 feet across) are very popular and worth around $5000. We listed him on Craigslist, but not takers. So we decided to keep him.

*** I should also mention that in this picture you can see that the big giant window which spent so much time leaning against the dumpster in the driverway has now made it up to the balcony in front of it's future final resting place. My nervousness about the big window finally inspired the crew to get it up there. Thanks Bo!

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