Yesterday our electric service was replaced, and as a part of that the old 8 foot tall weatherhead on the back of the house decommisioned. You can see the new short one on the front of the house.
Next to the leaking patio and subsequent rotting subfloor, this weatherhead was the 2nd worse thing going on. The wire from the pole across the street travels a very long distance, and as such bucks wildly in the big east winds that we get from the gorge in the winter.
All this bucking causes that big weather head to move around and leak into the house. That's bad.
Now consider that if it were properly sealed with a gasket over the opening and installed under the roofing materials, and if there were a proper anchor kit holding the pole steady it wouldn't be such a problem, but alas, we had nothing but an old brittle tar seal, and no anchor kit. Bad juju.
Additionally our 50's vintage electric panel had exhausted it's useful life, this year our Air Conditioner actually fried (toasted, burned out) on of the old school breakers. When it was pulled out it was a blob of melted metal and cracked enamel. scary.
So we now have a new weatherhead (short and tidy, on the front of the house, properly sealed and anchored), and a new paned, all modern and ready to serve. Yeah!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
New electric service
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